Wednesday - 19/9/2018

Doesn't take much space to get the work done! Or much time, or much fitness!
There's always a way to move forward. Busted shoulder? Do legs. Busted back? Do abs. Been "on the couch" for 20 years? Do CrossFit.
One of the things I love seeing from all these folks is overcoming their own stuff and getting it done.
Might be short on time, so they come during Open Gym, or do the late class Monday and the 0530 class on Tuesday.
I don't know if people realise it but their small struggles every day are inspiration to others, even if they don't think they're doing anything special.
In a way we're all little snowflakes, with our unique fights. But in the same way, we're all fighting something.
I feel a tiny bit blessed every time someone takes an hour from their day to hang out in this shed.
30 Clean & Jerks 40/25Kg
30 Burpees
30 Snatches 40/25Kg
30 Lat Burpees