24/5/2019 - Friday

Good guy Frank dinged his wrist a few weeks ago. Solution? Become WAY stronger in the squatting moves. Here he's already back to being able to hold a front squat, but even that took a few weeks.
Everyone has "stuff" going on. Stuff ALWAYS comes up, schedule, work, Netflix, whatever. There will ALWAYS be something trying to jack your time. For example, right now you're scrolling on the internet 😅
But try to look at the situation and do what you can. Step around your excuses (they aren't reasons) and make it work. If you can't make it in to the gym today that doesn't have to mean day-off, you could run for 30 minutes, doing 5 burpees every minute. You do a 21min EMOM of max air squats/max push ups/rest. You could do hollow rocks every commercial break. You could push-press your baby. You could quit your job and hang out at the gym all day (Beth).
It's your call to make it happen.
Tomorrow: A) Push Press
B) 3 Rounder: Snatch, Clean, STO, Burpettes